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Should I Write a Travel Book?

One of the most common questions aspiring travel writers ask themselves is whether or not they should write a travel book. After all, you’ve worked hard to make your trip as memorable as possible, so why not turn it into something bigger than just an anecdote? While we can’t give you an exact answer to that question, we can guide you through some things to consider when thinking about publishing your own travel book. After reading this article, you should have a better idea if writing a travel book would be the right move for you and your work.

A Quick Overview

While it’s possible to break into travel writing without any formal education, many aspiring authors choose to enroll in an MFA program. While not every university offers an MFA in creative nonfiction or travel writing, there are programs available that do specialize in these fields. Some schools that offer advanced degrees include American University, Penn State University and New York University. These programs allow you to immerse yourself in your craft for several years as you write and critique your work under guidance from professors who are published writers themselves.

The Benefits of Writing a Travel Book

According to many travel book publishers, if you want to write a travel book but aren’t sure whether or not you should, here are some benefits that may persuade you: * The adventure of travelling, researching and writing about your favorite subject; * Breaking into what may be an entirely new career field; * Having people all over the world enjoy your writing; * Making money from your passion.

The Challenges Facing Writers

One of your challenges is figuring out how to make money with your writing. If you’re planning on publishing nonfiction, chances are you’ll need to find a way to earn revenue through subscriptions or selling books. While there’s nothing wrong with self-publishing, you may want to consider one of these four strategies: 1) Find a publisher and get an advance; 2) Find an agent and sell directly; 3) Sell ads or affiliate products; 4) Work as an editor for someone else’s book.

How to Get Started

Think long and hard about why you want to write travel books. Do you have some amazing travel tales that everyone should hear? Are you in love with a particular place or region that you’re dying to share with others? Or do you have travel-related skills (photography, styling, etc.) that can be shared through book pages?

Where To Publish

First, make sure you actually want to write a travel book. Think about it: Is it something you’re passionate about? If not, consider all of those hours spent writing or researching, hours that could be spent doing other things. If you still think you have what it takes, start by finding out where to publish your travel book. Some writers go through traditional publishers who accept unsolicited manuscripts and may even pay an advance for your work. Other writers choose to self-publish on sites like Amazon and Barnes & Noble.

What Type Of Book To Write

The most common type of travel book is, of course, a guidebook. If you have expertise in some area of travel and are looking to monetize your knowledge by writing a travel book, then yes, write a guidebook! You can focus on any city or country you like; it’s up to you. This is an excellent way to see your work published in print and sold around the world—but it’s also tough to make money from such books. It’s hard for even well-known authors to sell enough copies (in many cases) for it to be profitable—and there are no guarantees that happens for you.