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5 Healthy Living Tweaks That Will Make You Happier

What’s the secret to living a healthy life? You may have heard that eating healthily, getting enough sleep, and exercising can help keep you feeling great mentally and physically, but there are other steps that you can take that are surprisingly simple and often overlooked to achieve this goal. Here are five healthy living tweaks that will make you happier.

1) Eat breakfast
Getting in a healthy breakfast not only helps your body, but it’s also great for your mind. Eating first thing in the morning prevents you from getting hungry and overeating later in the day. Many people think that skipping breakfast will help them lose weight, but it actually can make you gain weight because you’re missing out on satiating foods like protein and fiber-rich carbohydrates that are crucial to keeping you feeling full throughout your day. Breakfast is also linked to lower obesity rates, improved heart health and a stronger immune system. Getting enough sleep: People who aren’t getting enough sleep are more likely to be overweight or obese than those who get a good night’s rest regularly—and it’s more important than ever before since Americans have been cutting back on their snooze time over time.

2) Exercise regularly
Exercise gets your blood pumping, boosts oxygen and nutrients to your brain, and keeps you trim. Even just a few minutes of exercise has been shown to boost mood. Exercise also helps keep your mind sharp; older adults who exercised three times a week had 40 percent less risk of developing mild cognitive impairment (an early form of dementia) than those who didn’t work out at all. While research is ongoing, some scientists believe that exercise changes blood flow in areas of the brain that control memory and learning; others think it may be tied to levels of BDNF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor), which protects against age-related decline. Whatever the reason, moving more makes you feel better overall and can help fight depression.

3) Stay mindful of your food intake
Don’t just eat because you’re hungry—make sure you’re eating something that is both healthy and tastes good. This way, you won’t feel like you have to binge eat later on when you don’t really want more food but feel pressured to consume more calories. Taking small steps can go a long way toward making healthy living easier in the long run; your mind will thank you for it.

4) Spend more time with friends and family
As if you needed another reason to spend more time with your loved ones. Turns out, social interaction is a significant factor in whether or not you’re happy and healthy. After all, we’re designed to be in connection with other humans and our relationships play a key role in our mental health. In fact, researchers have proven that healthy living can be reduced to six factors: eating right (more fruits and veggies), exercising regularly (at least 30 minutes per day), maintaining an ideal weight, getting enough sleep (eight hours is optimal), connecting with others socially (getting together with friends and family) on a regular basis, managing stress levels effectively—all things that are easier when you surround yourself with positive people who are good for your soul.

5) Sleep well
Getting adequate sleep is important for a number of reasons, not least of which being that it makes us happier. Along with helping us stave off fatigue, sleep can also improve our mood by boosting mood-regulating hormones and spurring restorative activity in our brains. One study found that sleep-deprived subjects reported a dip in positive emotions like happiness and self-confidence, but when they got adequate shut-eye their outlooks improved significantly. Aim to get seven to nine hours per night on average—and if you’re having trouble making it happen, consult your doctor or a sleep specialist.